On Saturday, June 8, hundreds of children battling cancer and serious blood disorders and survivors teamed up with families, volunteers, sponsors, community supporters and celebrities for the 2019 “Champions Run for Life” also known as the Torch Run. Survivors and current patients ran, walked, wheeled or were carried in a relay race while they passed an Olympic-style torch to raise funds for Jonathan Jaques Children’s Cancer Institute at MemorialCare Miller Children’s & Women’s Hospital Long Beach. – Millers Children’s Hospital

As long as I can remember I have been participating in the Jonathan Jaques Champions Run for Life, held in Long Beach, California. Running along side patients, survivors, families that are no longer with their children is an emotional but hopeful day. And is soo needed…I hope this event continues for many more years because these children and their families deserve a day for their constant fight against theses horrible diseases.
If anyone would like to participate or volunteer leave me a comment so I can put you in touch with the right people. I guarantee it will be a moment you’ll never forget.
If you feel like donating please click here: https://www.millerchildrenshospitallb.org/giving
“We have two options, medically and emotionally: give up or fight like hell.”
Lance Armstrong